Co-investigators Sangeeta Bhatia , Joel Voldman , Brian Wardle , Martin Bazant , Duane Boning , Gang Chen , Martin Culpepper , Patrick Doyle , Dennis Freeman , Jongyoon Han , Klavs Jensen , Sang-Gook Kim , Scott Manalis , Alexander Slocum , Carl Thompson , Jacob White , Joseph Jacobson , Luca Daniel , Anantha Chandrakasan , Evelyn Wang , Harry Tuller , Roger Kamm , Rohit Karnik , Mehmet Fatih Yanik
Project Website
Project Start Date March 2000
The MEMS@MIT Center is a collection of faculty/staff/students working in the broad area of a Micro/nano systems and MEMS. This center was created to serve as a forum for collecting intellectually-synergistic but organizationally diverse groups of researchers at MIT. In addition, we have organized an industrial interaction mechanism to catalyze the transfer of knowledge to the larger MEMS community.
Currently, MEMS @ MIT is comprised of faculty/staff/students, working on a broad research agenda and supported by more than $13M/year of research contracts. Additionally, we share a set of world-class design, fabrication, and test facilities, managed by the Microsystems Technology Laboratories (MTL).
The MEMS research efforts on campus focus on four overarching themes:
(1) Materials, Processes, and Devices for MEMS -- including work on piezoelectrics, magnetics, materials/package reliability, DRIE, wafer bonding, plastic fabrication, and printed MEMS
(2) Biological and Chemical MEMS -- includes cell manipulation, DNA and protein processing, biomolecule detection, medical sensors, microreactors,micro gas analyzers, and microfluidics
(3) Actuators and Power MEMS -- includeing switches, mirrors, pumps, turbines, fuel cells, thermophotovoltaics, chemical lasers, and energy harvesting
(4) Sensors, Systems, and Modeling -- includes wireless sensors, pressure sensing systems, and CAD for MEMS
Membership benefits include:(*) Insight into newest ideas in MEMS(*) Early access to research results(*) Early awareness of IP generated for licensing(*) Access to high-quality continuing education materials(*) Partnering for federal or other funding opportunities(*) Recruitment of leading MIT graduates