Prof. Gang Chen

Carl Richard Soderberg Professor of Power Engineering
Director, Solid-State Solar-Thermal Energy Conversion Center (S3TEC Center)
Director, Pappalardo Micro and Nano Engineering Laboratories

Primary DLC

Department of Mechanical Engineering

MIT Room: 3-258


Derek Doung

Areas of Interest and Expertise

Micro- and Nanoscale Heat Transfer and Energy Conversion with Applications in Thermoelectrics, Photonics and Microelectronics
Nano-Mechanical Devices and Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems
Radiation and Electromagnetic Metamaterials
Nanoengineered High Thermal Conductivity Soft Matters (Polymers, Colloids, and Liquids)
Solar Energy Utilization
Energy Efficiency
Molding Compounds

Research Summary

Professor Chen's research interests include: Micro- and nanoscale heat transfer and energy conversion with applications in thermoelectrics, photovoltaics, solar thermal-energy to electrical energy conversion; and microelectronics; nano-mechanical devices and micro-electro-mechanical systems; radiation and electromagnetic metamaterials, nanoengineered high thermal conductivity soft matters (polymers, colloids, and liquids), and desalination.

Recent Work