November 15, 2022

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Supply chain design is the pillar of strategic supply chain planning and a key source of value creation for organizations. As supply chains become more global and focused on the end customer, the design of supply chains plays an increasingly important role as a competitive differentiator. The MIT CTL Supply Chain Design Initiative conducts innovative research to help organizations adopt new supply chain design paradigms and align their supply chains with the requirements and challenges of today’s markets. In collaboration with the MIT CTL Computational and Visual Education (CAVE) Lab, they employ and develop visual analytics decision-support tools, that enable intuitive interaction with quantitative methods. In this presentation, we will demonstrate how these tools can support the decision-making process around supply chain design, enable cross-functional collaboration within organizations and align supply chain design with wider organizational priorities. We will illustrate these concepts through several case studies from real-world implementation of such tools.

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Supply chain design is the pillar of strategic supply chain planning and a key source of value creation for organizations. As supply chains become more global and focused on the end customer, the design of supply chains plays an increasingly important role as a competitive differentiator. The MIT CTL Supply Chain Design Initiative conducts innovative research to help organizations adopt new supply chain design paradigms and align their supply chains with the requirements and challenges of today’s markets. In collaboration with the MIT CTL Computational and Visual Education (CAVE) Lab, they employ and develop visual analytics decision-support tools, that enable intuitive interaction with quantitative methods. In this presentation, we will demonstrate how these tools can support the decision-making process around supply chain design, enable cross-functional collaboration within organizations and align supply chain design with wider organizational priorities. We will illustrate these concepts through several case studies from real-world implementation of such tools.