Prof. Tomas Palacios

Clarence J Lebel Professor in Electrical Engineering
Director, Microsystems Technology Laboratories (MTL)

Primary DLC

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

MIT Room: 39-567A

Areas of Interest and Expertise

Design, Processing and Characterization of Novel Electronic Devices in Wide Bandgap Semiconductors and Graphene
III-V Semiconductors, Nitrides, GaN, AlGaN, AlN, InGaN
III-V Semiconductors Fabrication / Processing Technology
Carbon Nanotubes, Semiconductor Nanowires and Graphine -Based Transistors
High Frequency Small and Large-Signal Measurements
Simulation and Modeling of Semiconductor Devices
Polarization and Bandgap Engineering
Transistors for mm and sub-mm Wave Power and Digital Applications
New Concepts for Power Conversion and Generation
Interaction of Biological Systems with Semiconductor Materials and Devices: DNA Sequencing

Research Summary

Although he joined the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science department in Fall 2006, Professor Palacios has been working on wide bandgap semiconductors for the last 8 years. These semiconductors are, probably, the most complete semiconductor family ever, and Palacios is very interested in their use in four areas:

(*) Power amplification at frequencies >60 GHz
(*) Digital electronics in a beyond-Si scenerio
(*) New concepts for biosensors and devices
(*) Power generation and conversion

Palacios' research on compound semiconductors impacts a number of important areas such photonics, wireless communications, biosensors, high-speed digital logic and energy. The inter-disciplinary nature of his research will enable exciting new collaborations with many research groups at MIT.

Recent Work

  • Video


    November 16, 2022Conference Video Duration: 30:16
    Tomás Palacios
    Professor, MIT Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)


    May 5, 2022Conference Video Duration: 13:8
    Tomás Palacios
    Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

    2.25.21 AI Autonomy Roundtable

    February 25, 2021Conference Video Duration: 112:29

    Sophie Vandebroek
    Board Director, Trustee, Scholar
    2020 MIT School of Engineering Inaugural Visiting Scholar
    Former COO of IBM Research
    Aude Oliva
    MIT Director, the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab
    Director, MIT Quest Corporate
    Bilge Yildiz
    Professor, Nuclear Science and Engineering
    Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
    Tod Newman
    Lead, Center for Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Raytheon Technologies
    Lauren Barozie
    FCAS, Senior Director, Analytics Transformation, GRS AA Hub at Liberty Mutual Insurance
    Malcolm McRae
    Head of AI and Advanced Analytics, Vale
    Lama Nachman
    Intel Fellow, Director of Human & AI Systems Research Lab, Intel

    David Mindell
    Dibner Professor, History of Engineering and Manufacturing
    Professor, Aeronautics and Astronautics and Engineering Systems
    Founder & CEO, Humatics
    Nicholas Roy
    Bisplinghoff Professor, Aeronautics & Astronautics
    Director of Quest Systems Engineering, MIT Quest for Intelligence
    John Tylko
    Chief Innovation Officer, Aurora Flight Sciences, A Boeing Company
    Dimitris Bountolos
    Chief Information & Innovation Officer, Ferrovial
    Sherif Marakby
    Executive Vice President of Research and Development

    Tomás Palacios
    Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


    November 5, 2020Conference Video Duration: 50:47
    Tomás Palacios
    Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science