Prof. Anna-Christina Eilers

Assistant Professor of Physics

Primary DLC

Department of Physics

MIT Room: 37-641

Areas of Interest and Expertise

Astrophysics Observation
Instrumentation and Experiment
Galaxy and Quasar Evolution, the Formation of Supermassive Black Holes
High-Redshift Universe, Intergalactic Medium, Epoch of Cosmic Reionization
Cosmology, the Large-Scale Structure of Our Universe
Structure and Dynamics of the Milky Way
Machine Learning and Data-Driven Models

Research Summary

Professor Eilers is an observational cosmologist leading the Cosmic Dawn Group ( at the MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research. Her research focuses on the formation of the first galaxies, quasars and supermassive black holes in the early universe, during an era known as the Cosmic Dawn. In particular, Eilers is interested in the growth of the first supermassive black holes which reside in the center of luminous, distant galaxies known as quasars, to understand how black holes evolve from small stellar remnants to billion solar mass black holes within very short amounts of cosmic time. The question of how black holes accrete sufficient matter from their surrounding accretion disk and grow very rapidly has been an open puzzle for decades and challenges the current understanding of supermassive black hole growth and accretion physics.

In her research, Eilers develops new methods to study the timescales of quasar activity and supermassive black hole growth phases. She aims to understand how galaxies and their central supermassive black holes evolve through cosmic time, how the accretion physics might change in the early universe, and what the nature of the seeds of these early black holes could be.

She uses a combination of multi-wavelength observations from telescopes around the world and in space; cosmological simulations; and new machine learning models. She is heavily involved in multiple programs using NASA’s newly launched James Webb Space Telescope, which is piercing deeper than ever before into the distant past of our universe. Eilers is also passionate about making science more accessible through public outreach.

Recent Work