Prof. Patrick A Lee

Professor of Physics, Emeritus

Primary DLC

Department of Physics

MIT Room: 6C-347

Areas of Interest and Expertise

Condensed Matter Theory and Many-Body Physics
High Temperature Superconductivity
Quantum Wires and Dots
Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems and the Effect of Disorder
Quantum Effect Devices
Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics

Research Summary

Professor Lee's main research interests lie in the study of strongly correlated electronic systems. These are materials where the interactions between electrons play a crucial role and lead to novel phenomena not explainable by single electron band structure effects. Examples include the quantum Hall effect, mesoscopic systems, and effects due to disorder.

More recently, Professor Lee's research is focused on the problem of high temperature superconductivity. The starting point of this work is that the new family of superconductors is an example of the doped Mott insulator. The parent material is an antiferromagnetic insulator that is insulating due to correlation effects. Doping introduces carriers into the insulator, leading to a rich variety of novel phenomena including superconductivity. Methods of attack include many-body field theory and numerical work.

Recent Work