Principal Investigator John Desforge
Co-investigators Bernhardt Trout , Kenneth Smith , Patrick Doyle , Stephen Buchwald , Carl Thompson , Anthony Patera , Saman Amarasinghe , Lallit Anand , Dimitris Bertsimas , Duane Boning , Jianzhu Chen , Yet-Ming Chiang , Jung-Hoon Chun , C Dewey , Fredo Durand , Alan Edelman , Eugene Fitzgerald , Robert Freund , Stephen Graves , Nicolas Hadjiconstantinou , Jongyoon Han , David Hardt , T Hatton , Leslie Kaelbling , Charles Leiserson , Harvey Lodish , Tomas Lozano-Perez , Stuart Madnick , Thomas Magnanti , Pablo Parrilo , Georgia Perakis , Caroline Ross , Larry Rudolph , David Simchi-Levi , Peter So , Karen Sollins , Gregory Stephanopoulos , Bruce Tidor , Joel Voldman , Roy Welsch , Jacob White , Karen Willcox , Jocelyn S Sales , Dick Yue
Project Website
Founded in 1998, the Singapore-MIT Alliance is an innovative engineering and life science educational and research collaboration among three leading research universities in the world: the National University of Singapore (NUS), the Nanyang Technological University (NTU), and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
The Singapore-MIT Alliance has a vision to be a premier and unparalleled interactive distance educational and research enterprise that is internationally recognized and that attracts the very best engineering and life sciences graduate students and researchers from Singapore and all over Asia.
The mission of SMA is to:
(*) Attract and develop talented human capital for Singapore industries, universities, and research establishments;(*) Provide a platform for organizational learning that will raise the general level of all the partner institutions;(*) Create world-class educational programs and high-impact research initiatives in areas crucial to the growth of Singapore’s economy;(*) Foster strong academia-industry-research institute linkages and collaborations providing the basis for an enduring and viable partnership;(*) Establish a standard for quality, diversity, integrity, commitment, and service to the global knowledge community.
The Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA) is an innovative engineering education and research collaboration among the National University of Singapore (NUS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Founded in November, 1998 to promote global engineering education and research, SMA brings together the resources of three premiere academic institutions, while providing students with unlimited access to exceptional faculty expertise and superior research facilities.
A primary goal of SMA is the creation of a world-class centre for graduate education and research in engineering, which features technologically advanced distance learning facilities. SMA will provide opportunities for private-sector organizations to participate in SMA's research, collaborate with its students, and recruit potential employees.
SMA combines a focus on creativity and entrepreneurship with an intense, hands-on approach to research. Graduates will comprise some of the industry's best-educated professionals, both in the growing economy of Singapore and in industrial centres across the globe. This groundbreaking collaboration among NUS, NTU and MIT represents an unwavering commitment to promoting engineering innovation and excellence.
SMA seeks innovation, and scientific and engineering talent for knowledge industries in Singapore and beyond. Research projects are characterised by synergistic participation with Industry and Research Institutes. SMA’s on-going ties with academic and Industry partners facilitate lively and dynamic exchange of information pertaining to research, education, training, innovation and technology applications. Through this, a strong network is formed enabling sharing of research expertise and resources between SMA and specialised top-notch Industries.
Flagship Research Projects (FRP) -- The Flagship Research Projects of SMA address challenging and significant problems at the forefront of Engineering and Science. These projects deploy large groups of faculty drawn from the Alliance Universities as wall as research manpower from Research Institutes and Industry.
Inter-University Projects (IUP) -- Inter-University Projects foster collaboration between faculty members of the Alliance Universities, facilitate individual student-faculty mentoring and the development of core disciplines, as well as establish links to the academic programmes.
Research Projects under SMA Programmes:(*) Advanced Materials for Micro- and Nano-Systems (AMM&NS)(*) Chemical and Pharmaceutical Engineering (CPE)(*) Computational Engineering (CE)(*) Computation and Systems Biology (CSB)(*) Manufacturing Systems and Technology (MST)
The Chemical and Pharmaceutical Engineering (CPE) program -- a cutting-edge curriculum in the fields of molecular engineering and process science focused on the pharmaceutical industry -- will be offered in 2010–2011. It provides a unique opportunity to obtain dual master of science degrees, one from the Chemical Engineering Practice Program of the Chemical Engineering Department at MIT and one from NUS. The dual degrees can be completed in three academic terms of course work, and an additional term of industrial internship. The industry internship at a practice school station is in lieu of a research thesis. This program comprises innovative courses of study that integrate a molecular-level understanding of biological and chemical phenomena with advances in process engineering for the pharmaceutical and fine chemical industries.