Prof. Lawrence E Susskind

Professor of Urban and Environmental Planning

Primary DLC

Department of Urban Studies and Planning

MIT Room: 9-432

Areas of Interest and Expertise

Transboundary Water Disputes and Water Diplomacy
Balancing Science and Politics in Global Environmental Treaty-Making
Mediating Science-Intensive Policy Disputes
Adapting to the Risks of Climate Change in Massachusetts
Siting of Renewable Energy Facilities
Muiltiparty Negotiation
Public Dispute Resolution
Wind Power

Research Summary

Professor Susskind's research interests focus on water diplomacy, autonomy for indigenous peoples around the world who want to manage their own lands and natural resources, negotiation of multilateral environmental treaties, the siting of renewable energy production facilities, and the resolution of science-intensive policy disputes. Professor Susskind is the author or co-author of fifteen books including, most recently, Built to Win (Harvard Business Publishing, 2008), Breaking Robert’s Rules,(Oxford, 2006), Dealing with An Angry Public (Free Press, 1995), Negotiating Environmental Agreements (Island Press, 2001); Transboundary Environmental Negotiations (Jossey-Bass, 2003), and Better Environmental Policy Studies (Island Press, 2001).

(summary updated 11/18/11)

Recent Work