Kalyan Veeramachaneni - 2016-Digital-Health_Conf-videos

Conference Video|Duration: 36:36
September 14, 2016
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    Rapid Discovery of Predictive Models from Large Repositories of Signals Data

    This talk is focused on the methods and technologies to answer the question ‘Why does it take a long time to process, analyze and derive insights from the data?’ Dr. Veeramachaneni is leading the ‘Human Data Interaction’ Project to develop methods that are at the intersection of data science, machine learning, and large scale interactive systems. With significant achievements in storage , processing, retrieval, and analytics, the answer to this question now lies in developing technologies that are based on intricately understanding the complexities in how scientists, researchers, analysts interact with data to analyze, interpret, and derive models from it. In this talk, Dr. Veeramachaneni will present how his team is building systems to transform this interaction for the signals domain using an example of physiological signals. Prediction studies on physiological signals are time-consuming: a typical study, even with a modest number of patients, usually takes from 6 to 12 months.

    In this talk, he will describe a large-scale machine learning and analytics framework, BeatDB, to scale and speed up mining predictive models from these waveforms. BeatDB radically shrinks the time an investigation takes by: (a) supporting fast, flexible investigations by offering a multi-level parameterization, (b) allowing the user to define the condition to predict, the features, and many other investigation parameters (c) pre-computing beat-level features that are likely to be frequently used while computing on-the-fly less used features and statistical aggregates.

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  • Video details

    Rapid Discovery of Predictive Models from Large Repositories of Signals Data

    This talk is focused on the methods and technologies to answer the question ‘Why does it take a long time to process, analyze and derive insights from the data?’ Dr. Veeramachaneni is leading the ‘Human Data Interaction’ Project to develop methods that are at the intersection of data science, machine learning, and large scale interactive systems. With significant achievements in storage , processing, retrieval, and analytics, the answer to this question now lies in developing technologies that are based on intricately understanding the complexities in how scientists, researchers, analysts interact with data to analyze, interpret, and derive models from it. In this talk, Dr. Veeramachaneni will present how his team is building systems to transform this interaction for the signals domain using an example of physiological signals. Prediction studies on physiological signals are time-consuming: a typical study, even with a modest number of patients, usually takes from 6 to 12 months.

    In this talk, he will describe a large-scale machine learning and analytics framework, BeatDB, to scale and speed up mining predictive models from these waveforms. BeatDB radically shrinks the time an investigation takes by: (a) supporting fast, flexible investigations by offering a multi-level parameterization, (b) allowing the user to define the condition to predict, the features, and many other investigation parameters (c) pre-computing beat-level features that are likely to be frequently used while computing on-the-fly less used features and statistical aggregates.

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