Principal Investigator Duane Boning
Co-investigators Retsef Levi , Bruce Lawler
Project Website
Project Start Date January 2020
MIT Machine Intelligence for Manufacturing and Operations has been established to increase industrial competitiveness by accelerating the deployment and understanding of machine intelligence in manufacturing and operations. MIT MIMO is an affiliate of MIT’s Quest for Intelligence and leverages the Quest’s academic depth and access to the latest innovations in deep learning and machine learning. MIMO has partnered with LGO and is also working closely with Operations Research Center, CSAIL, IDE, Work of the Future and other MIT faculty to improve innovation (PhD research) and education (Masters student and senior executives) in manufacturing and operations. MIMO studies managerial and technical implementation challenges throughout the entire machine learning workflow including: data collection, analytical approach, process change and workforce implications.
Over the last decade manufacturing and operations facilities have undergone a substantial digital transformation with a huge increase in IoT connected systems, data collected and global standardization. In the last 5 years significant improvements in machine learning algorithms, tools and specialized processors have enabled machines to make observations and decisions using these vast sources of data. MIMO’s purpose is to apply these new improvements to existing data and operational challenges in the field with with measurable and impactful efficiency and revenue improvements.