Entry Date:
August 5, 2011

Graphene Approaches to Terahertz Electronics (GATE) MURI

Principal Investigator Michael Strano

Co-investigators Tomas Palacios , Pablo Jarillo-Herrero , Jing Kong

The Graphene Approaches to Terahertz Electronics (GATE) MURI, projectis sponsored by the Office of Naval Research (ONR). Under this program, investigators from MIT, Harvard and Boston University work closely together in a mulidisciplinary new approach to advance the science, technology and applications of nanostructured graphene. The GATE MURI program aims to use bandgap engineering and the unique properties of graphene to develop the basic building blocks of graphene Terahertz (THz) electronics and to accelerate its insertion into DoD applications. This goal will be achieved by the combined work and ingenuity of a multidisciplinary team with great experience in the basic physics, chemistry and nanotechnology of graphene, as well as in the design, fabrication and modeling of state-of-the-art electronic devices and advanced circuit architectures.

Professors Charles Marcus and Amir Yacobi from Harvard University and Professor Antonio Castro-Neto of Boston University are also co-investigators of the project.

Research topics include:

(*) Graphene Ambipolar Electronics (Palacios’ Group @ MIT)
(*) Electronic and Regio-Selective Graphene Chemistry (Strano Group@MIT)
(*) Graphene Synthesis, Characterization and Optimization (Kong and Dresselhaus Groups @ MIT)
(*) Edge Nanostructuring, Disorder & Band Gap Modulation (Jarillo-Herrero Group @ MIT)
(*) Probing Disorder, Band Gaps and local Transport (Yacoby group @ Harvard)
(*) Graphene technology and devices (Marcus’ Group @ Harvard)
(*) Novel Simulation Tools (Castro Neto Group @ Boston University)