Entry Date:
June 9, 2011

CHB-MIT Enterprise (Children’s Hospital Boston)

e CHB-MIT Enterprise fosters the collaboration of investigators from Children’s Hospital Boston and MIT in their common pursuit of groundbreaking basic and translational research.

The goal is to advance understanding and innovation in the biosciences through the “chemical reaction” triggered by the combination of diverse perspectives. The Enterprise is working toward this goal through two major initiatives: (1) annual symposia to showcase promising research at both institutions (symposia will focus on a different topic each year); and (2) joint research grants.

At Children’s Hospital Boston (CHB), care is informed by the research, and the discoveries in the laboratory strengthen the care we provide at each child's bedside. Children’s is home to the largest scientific research program of any pediatric hospital in the world.

Researchers are:
(*) making new inroads in understanding the causes and development of diseases and disorders
(*) paving ground for promising new treatments and interventions
(*) offering ideas and discoveries that could lead to better treatments and cures

Research at MIT aims to develop innovative solutions to the world’s most daunting challenges. From enhancing global health to improving cancer therapies, MIT’s biomedical research efforts are enhanced through creative collaborations with leading research institutes and consortia around the world.

Inaugural CHB-MIT Research Enterprise Symposia is being held on June 13 and June 20, 2011. Researchers and physician-scientists from Children’s Hospital Boston and MIT share findings from their work along a wild -- and largely uncharted -- frontier. Fifteen-minute presentations are followed by five-minute Q&A sessions with the audience.