Prof. John M Deutch

Institute Professor, Emeritus
Professor of Chemistry, Emeritus

Primary DLC

Department of Chemistry

MIT Room: 6-215

Areas of Interest and Expertise

Physical Chemistry
Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics
Dilute and Concentrated Polymer Solutions (Diffusion and Viscous Flow)
Fluid Interfaces and Liquid Crystal Solvents
Laser Light Scattering from Fluids
Theories of Diffusion Controlled Reactions
Theory of Combustion
Diffusion Limited Aggregates
Hydrodynamics in Random Media
Energy Technology
Energy Storage
Solar Energy

Research Summary

In recent years, Professor Deutch's research interests have turned to energy technology and he has participated in numerous interdisciplinary studies on energy issues including the MIT studies on the Future of Nuclear Energy, the Future of Coal (including CO2 capture and sequestration) and the Future of Natural Gas. Current interests include fuel cells, alternative transportation fuels, unconventional oil and gas production (especially reducing the environmental impacts of this activity), and photovoltaics manufacturing.

The common feature of this work is the integration of technical, economic, environmental, and political aspects of these issues. John Deutch has a continuing interest in energy security, climate change, and managing the process of energy technology innovation including R&D, demonstration and deployment. He welcomes master degree candidates from all disciplines who have an interest in national and global energy issues.

Recent Work