Prof. Xiao Wang
Thomas D and Virginia Cabot Associate Professor of Chemistry
Core Member, Broad Institute
Primary DLC
Department of Chemistry
MIT Room:
Erin Lapasaran
Areas of Interest and Expertise
Brain Disorders (such as Alzheimer’s Disease)
Brain Wiring and Function
Brain Disorders (such as Alzheimer’s Disease)
Brain Wiring and Function
Research Summary
Wang obtained her B.S. degree in Chemistry from Peking University in 2010, where her research with Professor Jian Pei focused on developing fluorescent organic materials. She received her Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Chicago in 2015. Advised by Professor Chuan He, her Ph.D. thesis focused on elucidating the cellular function of RNA modifications. She then joined the Deisseroth Lab as a postdoctoral fellow of Life Science Research Foundation, where she developed a high-throughput in situ RNA-sequencing methods for spatially resolved transcriptome-wide imaging of RNAs in intact brain tissues. Upon her arrival at MIT, Wang will become the first Core Member of the Broad Institute with an academic appointment in the Department of Chemistry.
The Wang Group develops and applies new chemical and biophysical tools to better understand the molecular events in the brain. Research seeks to develop high- resolution and highly-multiplexed molecular imaging methods across multiple scales toward understanding the physical and chemical basis of brain wiring and function.
The Wang Group develops and applies new chemical and biophysical tools to better understand the molecular events in the brain. Research seeks to develop high- resolution and highly-multiplexed molecular imaging methods across multiple scales toward understanding the physical and chemical basis of brain wiring and function.
Translating Spatial RNA Atlas to Tissue Function and Dysfunction
Mapping and Designing RNA Life Cycle