Prof. J Taylor Perron

Cecil and Ida Green Professor of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
Associate Department Head / Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences

Primary DLC

Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences

MIT Room: 54-1022

Areas of Interest and Expertise

Geomorphology and Planetary Science
Surface Processes, Both Land and the Sea Floor
Erosion, Sediment Flow and Deposition
Landslides and Debris Flows
Ripples and Dunes

Research Summary

Perron studies how landscapes form and evolve, both on Earth and on other planets. His approach combines theory and numerical modeling, field and remote sensing observations, analysis of data from planetary missions, and laboratory experiments. His group’s research is organized around three themes: explaining prominent landscape patterns such as branching river networks; using natural experiments to study how climate shapes landscapes; and examining planetary landforms to learn about the evolution of other worlds.

Recent Work