Prof. Frances M Ross

TDK Professor in Materials Science and Engineering

Primary DLC

Department of Materials Science and Engineering

MIT Room: 13-5046


Terra Cholfin

Areas of Interest and Expertise

Self Assembly
Thin Films
Microscopy of Liquid Phase Processes
Crystal Growth and Catalysis
Transport-Structure Correlations

Research Summary

Building functional nanostructures with atomic level precision requires a detailed understanding of materials growth and the physics of self-assembly at the nanoscale. Frances Ross uses transmission electron microscopy to watch crystals as they grow and react, and scanning tunneling microscopy to measure the properties of nanomaterials. These microscopy techniques help her group to explore the growth mechanisms of nanocrystals on graphene, electrochemically deposited nanostructures and catalytically grown nanowires. Frances is excited by the ongoing advances in microscopy instrumentation which give intriguing opportunities for future experiments.

Recent Work