Prof. Lorna J Gibson

Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Margaret MacVicar Faculty Fellow

Primary DLC

Department of Materials Science and Engineering

MIT Room: 8-135


Ryan Kendall

Areas of Interest and Expertise

Mechanicals Behavior of Cellular Materials
Microstructural Modeling
Bone Mechanics
Mechanical Interactions Between Fibroblasts and Porous Scaffolds Used in Tissue Engineering
Engineering Applications of Material Science
Metallic Foams
Cambridge-MIT Institute (CMI)
Cell-Matrix Interactions

Research Summary

Professor Lorna Gibson studies the mechanical behavior of materials, specializing in materials with a cellular structure, such as engineering honeycombs and foams, scaffolds for regenerative engineering, and natural materials such as wood, bamboo, and plant leaves and stems. The Gibson Group has contributed to the understanding of the mechanics of cellular solids as well as to their use in many applications. She is the co-author of Cellular Solids: Structure and Properties; Metal Foams: A Design Guide; and Cellular Materials in Nature and Medicine. Projects have included the design and characterization of osteochondral scaffolds for the regeneration of cartilage as well as the underlying bone, the mechanics of fluid flow through open-cell foams for protection from impacts, low thermal conductivity aerogels for building applications, and structural bamboo products and the mechanics of balsa and balsa-inspired engineering materials.

Recent Work