Prof. Saurabh Amin

Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Primary DLC

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

MIT Room: 1-241


Roberta Pizzinato

Areas of Interest and Expertise

Economic Incentives for Companies to Properly Manage Large-Scale Systems
Networked Control Systems
Network Security and Reliability
Robust Infrastructure Diagnostics and Control

Research Summary

Professor Amin's research focuses on the design and implementation of high confidence network control algorithms for infrastructure systems. His research group works on robust diagnostics and control problems that involve using networked systems to facilitate the monitoring and control of large-scale critical infrastructures, including transportation, water, and energy distribution systems. The group also studies the effect of security attacks and random faults on the survivability of networked systems, and designs incentive-compatible control mechanisms to reduce network risks.

(*) Networked control systems: theory and algorithms
(*) Applied game theory
(*) Cyber-physical systems security
(*) Network economics: pricing and incentive regulation

Recent Work

  • Video


    November 9, 2023Conference Video Duration: 121:24

    Biomaterials for Boosting Food Security and Materials Circularity 

    Analytics Tools to Improve Sustainability of Global Wood Supply Chains 

    Automated Design of Low-Carbon Structures for Conventional and New Construction Materials