Prof. James L Kirtley, Jr

Professor of Electrical Engineering

Primary DLC

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

MIT Room: 10-098

Areas of Interest and Expertise

Electromechanics and Electromechanical Devices
Electric Machinery
Generators and Drive Systems
Electric Power Systems Engineering
Distributed and Alternative Energy Systems
Smart Grids Research

Research Summary

Projects focus on topics related to the integration of renewable energy sources in power systems. Issues being investigated include: islanding detection, micro-grids, and electricity market operation with renewable energy sources.

Professor Kirtley's work with Smart Grids is embedded in the MIT-Portugal program, specifically with a collaboration with Dr. Joan Pecas-Lopes of the University of Porto and with a collaboration with two faculty members at the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology in Abu Dhabi (Hatem Zeineldin and Scott Kennedy). 

Currently, researchers are looking at control of microgrids and distributed generation, at use of energy storage type loads to help integrate renewable generation (specifically, wind) into the grid and the economics of generation as it might lead to better tariff structures. Kirtley has a "loose coordination" with Professor Richard Larson of the Engineering Systems Division (ESD) and his 'Energy Box' group. 

Additional activities related to electric ships and ship propulsion: In 1996 and 1997, Professor Kirtley served on an expert panel advising the Office of Naval Research and the Defense Advanced Projects Research Administration on the state of technology for future "more electric" ships. During the spring and summer of 2005, he served on a failure review panel for the Naval Sea Systems Command.

Recent Work