Principal Investigator James Kirtley
Project Website
This research project focuses on the integration of PV solar power to the existing electric grid and addresses issues and possible solutions related with such interconnection. In this research work the following aspects will primarily be considered:
(*) To increase the performance of photovoltaic systems through the use of innovative system structures, advanced control, and optimal power converter interfaces.(*) To develop an accurate computer simulation model of a grid connected PV plant with necessary controllers to perform maximum power extraction.(*) To study the potential issues as well as benefits if one or more renewable systems (combination of solar and/or wind plants) are connected on the same distribution feeder and/or nearby feeders.
This project provides useful insights into the control and operation of distributed generation systems and will help to better understand the influence of the solar plant local distribution network and improve the overall performance of solar plants. The collaboration has a combination of system analysis, hardware design and software design. As such, it builds a broad range of Power Electronics capability within Masdar Institute.