Prof. Robert A Weinberg

Daniel K Ludwig and American Cancer Society Professor for Cancer Research
Founding Member, Whitehead Institute

Areas of Interest and Expertise

Cancer Molecular Biology
Use of Gene Transfer and Cloning to Study Tumorigenesis
Studies of ras Oncogenes and Their Encoded Proteins
Role of Tumor Growth Factor-Beta Receptors in Growth Regulation
Molecular Biology of Retinoblastoma
Molecular Cloning of Oncogenes and Tumor Suppressor Genes
Tumor Suppressor Genes
Mouse Models of Human Familial Cancers
Cancer and the Biological Clock
Cancer Biology
Cancer Genetics
Cell Cycle Clock

Research Summary

Research in the Weinberg Laboratory is focused on the molecular mechanisms that control carcinoma progression and metastasis. Research is concentrated in three areas: (1) Understanding the collaborative impact of paracrine and systemic signaling on tumor growth and progression. (2) Identification of mechanisms through which paracrine and systemic signals can induce epithelial cells to enter into a mesenchymal/stem-cell state. (3) Ellucidating the complex molecular mechanisms that regulate carcinoma invasion and metastasis.

Recent Work