Stephen Buckley - 2018 RD Conference

Conference Video|Duration: 38:14
November 21, 2018
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    Building the Internet of Trusted Data

    The MIT Trust Data Consortium aims to provide people, organizations, and computers the ability to manage access to their data more securely, efficiently, and equitably, while protecting personal data from incursion and corruption. As we have moved from the analog world to the digital world, our data, security, and governance systems have not kept pace. This has created numerous issues ranging from data insecurity (such as the large-scale government and private sector data losses of recent years) to a widening digital divide between rich and poor, including the global disenfranchisement of over 1.5 billion people who lack legal identity.

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  • Video details

    Building the Internet of Trusted Data

    The MIT Trust Data Consortium aims to provide people, organizations, and computers the ability to manage access to their data more securely, efficiently, and equitably, while protecting personal data from incursion and corruption. As we have moved from the analog world to the digital world, our data, security, and governance systems have not kept pace. This has created numerous issues ranging from data insecurity (such as the large-scale government and private sector data losses of recent years) to a widening digital divide between rich and poor, including the global disenfranchisement of over 1.5 billion people who lack legal identity.

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