
Conference Video|Duration: 48:05
September 23, 2021
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    In this talk, I will describe why and how to move from bad jobs and the down-spiraling mediocrity they cause to good jobs and the continually improving excellence they enable. At a time when more than 45 million Americans—many of whom were called essential workers during the pandemic—earn below subsistence wages, 70% Americans believe that the economic system is rigged against them, and concerns about social injustice are on the rise, creating good jobs with living wages, meaning and dignity is more important than ever.
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  • Video details
    In this talk, I will describe why and how to move from bad jobs and the down-spiraling mediocrity they cause to good jobs and the continually improving excellence they enable. At a time when more than 45 million Americans—many of whom were called essential workers during the pandemic—earn below subsistence wages, 70% Americans believe that the economic system is rigged against them, and concerns about social injustice are on the rise, creating good jobs with living wages, meaning and dignity is more important than ever.
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