
Conference Video|Duration: 13:52
September 22, 2021
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    The recently formed MIT Climate and Sustainability Consortium (MCSC) brings together an influential group of industry leaders to closely collaborate with MIT on driving priorities and strategic direction setting around sustainability, climate change mitigation, and adaptation. The MCSC provides a link between academic innovation and rapid implementation for the most promising and equitable climate and sustainability industry opportunities. Jeremy will provide an overview of MCSC activities in its first year of existence and plans for scaling sustainability solutions.
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  • Video details
    The recently formed MIT Climate and Sustainability Consortium (MCSC) brings together an influential group of industry leaders to closely collaborate with MIT on driving priorities and strategic direction setting around sustainability, climate change mitigation, and adaptation. The MCSC provides a link between academic innovation and rapid implementation for the most promising and equitable climate and sustainability industry opportunities. Jeremy will provide an overview of MCSC activities in its first year of existence and plans for scaling sustainability solutions.
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