
Conference Video|Duration: 34:50
October 12, 2022
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    This brief talk describes a research and innovation trajectory combining digital instrumentation, machine learning and portfolio management to redefine how organizations measure and manage key performance. Drawing on the insight that ‘KPIs’ and other metrics can be recast as ’software agents,’ this talk suggests that successful ‘digital transformations’ will be organized around the measures that matter most. This disruptive shift poses unique risks and opportunities for leaderships and boards alike.
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  • Video details
    This brief talk describes a research and innovation trajectory combining digital instrumentation, machine learning and portfolio management to redefine how organizations measure and manage key performance. Drawing on the insight that ‘KPIs’ and other metrics can be recast as ’software agents,’ this talk suggests that successful ‘digital transformations’ will be organized around the measures that matter most. This disruptive shift poses unique risks and opportunities for leaderships and boards alike.
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