Principal Investigators Anastasios Hart , Julie Diop
Project Website
Project Start Date May 2022
Global manufacturing is entering a new era. The emergence of digital-first production technologies, the urgency of addressing climate change, and the entangled web of transnational trade are changing how manufacturers plan and manage their operations and supply chains. Companies are striving to grow their workforce, judiciously invest in emerging technologies, and scale new factories quickly and sustainably.
The Manufacturing@MIT Initiative aims to play a pivotal role defining a new era of advanced manufacturing, through technologies, organizational approaches, and partnerships that will get us there. The scope of Manufacturing@MIT spans many industries and technology domains, and draws from MIT’s breadth and depth of expertise across engineering, management, and social sciences. The Manufacturing@MIT Industry Consortium provides a platform to engage leading global manufacturing companies with MIT’s manufacturing initiative and with one another, via advanced research, education and training, collaborative strategy, and engagement with MIT-born startup companies. The consortium will address the challenges manufacturers face with ambitious, actionable solutions, from scaling technologies and strengthening supply chains to empowering workers and implementing more sustainable production processes..
Consortium Benefits Consortium members will work closely with the Manufacturing@MIT team on a number of fronts, both collaboratively with other member companies and directly with MIT. A summary of the benefits of consortium membership is as follows: (*) Leadership Council: Each member will have one seat on the Consortium Leadership Council, which will work with Manufacturing@MIT leadership to set the consortium’s priorities and strategy. (*) Thesis Projects: Each member will direct a yearly thesis project with a group of MIT Master’s students in the Master of Engineering Program in Advanced Manufacturing and Design. The students will complete their theses in residence at a member site, addressing a manufacturing problem proposed by the member. (*) New Manufacturing Working Groups: Consortium members will have the opportunity to join working groups focused on the theme of “new manufacturing”in for areas: scaling, workforce, resilience, and sustainability. The working groups will be led by MIT faculty and researchers, will host meetings and workshops, and member representatives will work with MIT to (*) Seed Research Projects: Manufacturing@MIT will fund seed research projects on manufacturing technologies, in areas of member interest; members will recommend topics and provide input on proposal selection. Members will have early access to results through regular updates. (*) Workforce Development: Each member will work with the Manufacturing@MIT team to customize a technologist training program for use in their organization and/or in partnership with educational institutions near their manufacturing sites. (*) Engagement with Startups: Consortium members will meet MIT-affiliated manufacturing startups through themed forums, direct connections, and networking events. (*) Events and Networking: Manufacturing@MIT holds a series of high-profile events including its annual symposium and distinguished speaker series. Members will connect with other industry leaders, MIT faculty, and fellow consortium members, fostering valuable relationships and collaborations in their areas of interest. (*) External Collaborations: Members will interface with Manufacturing@MIT programs in technology research, workforce development, and other areas. Members will have opportunities to collaborate on new programs that may include other companies, community colleges, non-profits, and state/federal agencies.
Manufacturing@MIT is a cross-disciplinary effort by the MIT community to shape the future of production toward greater innovation, growth, equity, and sustainability. We are building major research and education programs, planning world-class facilities, and forming deep partnerships with industry and government.