
Conference Video|Duration: 38:04
October 25, 2023
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    The transformative potential and risks of AI go well beyond the technology itself.  But senior executives can be forgiven if they can’t stay current with the fast-multiplying set of AI tools and capabilities.  Happily, you don’t have to master the complex details of the AI landscape.  But you do need to know enough to understand the challenges and opportunities arising from AI.   In this session, we’ll provide an executive-level overview of key categories of AI.  We’ll explore practical applications of digital transformation with AI. And we’ll delve into key challenges and considerations surrounding AI implementation.  This is not a technical discussion; it’s a leadership one.  By the end of this session, you’ll be ready to ask the right questions and make the right decisions about how to lead your organization through the AI revolution.
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  • Video details
    The transformative potential and risks of AI go well beyond the technology itself.  But senior executives can be forgiven if they can’t stay current with the fast-multiplying set of AI tools and capabilities.  Happily, you don’t have to master the complex details of the AI landscape.  But you do need to know enough to understand the challenges and opportunities arising from AI.   In this session, we’ll provide an executive-level overview of key categories of AI.  We’ll explore practical applications of digital transformation with AI. And we’ll delve into key challenges and considerations surrounding AI implementation.  This is not a technical discussion; it’s a leadership one.  By the end of this session, you’ll be ready to ask the right questions and make the right decisions about how to lead your organization through the AI revolution.
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