
Conference Video|Duration: 40:11
October 25, 2023
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  • Video details
    LLMs like GPT have great potential, but have limited ability to handle company proprietary data, customer proprietary data, or personal data in a way that leverages company/client/employee data, preserves proprietary and personal data boundaries, and is compliant with current and emerging regulation. I will present ways of achieving these ends, as well as minimizing consequences for the mistakes and biases that will inevitably happen.
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  • Video details
    LLMs like GPT have great potential, but have limited ability to handle company proprietary data, customer proprietary data, or personal data in a way that leverages company/client/employee data, preserves proprietary and personal data boundaries, and is compliant with current and emerging regulation. I will present ways of achieving these ends, as well as minimizing consequences for the mistakes and biases that will inevitably happen.
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