
Conference Video|Duration: 34:33
December 1, 2021
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    To keep informed about relevant developments, technical professionals must collect and process information from a large variety of sources.  In short, RD&E professionals have to both utilize the new relevant technical advances that are required for their products and services of tomorrow while also functioning efficiently at the same time for the organization’s current business requirements and pressures. Since communication processes play such an important role in fostering these kinds of creative work activities, we will examine and discuss in this presentation research findings that have shown not only how formal organizational structures and procedures influence information flows and innovative activities but also how the more informal interpersonal exchanges both inside and outside the organization can be enhanced and managed for more effective creative exchanges.  The ideas and findings from past research studies need to be better understood especially in light of the pervasive role that electronic media has been playing within all of our work environments.
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  • Video details
    To keep informed about relevant developments, technical professionals must collect and process information from a large variety of sources.  In short, RD&E professionals have to both utilize the new relevant technical advances that are required for their products and services of tomorrow while also functioning efficiently at the same time for the organization’s current business requirements and pressures. Since communication processes play such an important role in fostering these kinds of creative work activities, we will examine and discuss in this presentation research findings that have shown not only how formal organizational structures and procedures influence information flows and innovative activities but also how the more informal interpersonal exchanges both inside and outside the organization can be enhanced and managed for more effective creative exchanges.  The ideas and findings from past research studies need to be better understood especially in light of the pervasive role that electronic media has been playing within all of our work environments.
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