
Conference Video|Duration: 24:00
December 1, 2021
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    Scott Kirsner has spent the past 20+ years covering the startup ecosystems in Boston and Silicon Valley for publications like the Boston Globe, Wired, Fast Company, Variety, BusinessWeek, and the New York Times. He now runs a research firm called Innolead, focused on how large organizations can innovate more effectively. In this session, he'll share data from a recent Innolead research report, developed in collaboration with MIT ILP and MIT Startup Exchange, on how corporates can engage with startups effectively — from both the corporate and startup point of view. How can they create win-win relationships, with a hybrid physical/digital strategy?
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  • Video details
    Scott Kirsner has spent the past 20+ years covering the startup ecosystems in Boston and Silicon Valley for publications like the Boston Globe, Wired, Fast Company, Variety, BusinessWeek, and the New York Times. He now runs a research firm called Innolead, focused on how large organizations can innovate more effectively. In this session, he'll share data from a recent Innolead research report, developed in collaboration with MIT ILP and MIT Startup Exchange, on how corporates can engage with startups effectively — from both the corporate and startup point of view. How can they create win-win relationships, with a hybrid physical/digital strategy?
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