Prof. Richard Linares

Rockwell International Career Development Associate Professor Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Co-Director, Space Systems Lab

Primary DLC

Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics

MIT Room: 37-327

Areas of Interest and Expertise

Space Situational Awareness
Satellite Guidance and Navigation
Estimation and Controls
Optimal Control
Reinforcement Learning

Recent Work

  • Video

    2024 MIT R&D Conference: Track 1 - Space - Space Security Issues in Space, Traffic Management and Space Sustainability

    November 19, 2024Conference Video Duration: 37:41
    Space Security Issues in Space, Traffic Management and Space Sustainability
    Richard Linares
    Rockwell International Career Development Professor
    Associate Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics, MIT AeroAstro

    MIT ARCLab focuses on space traffic management, space situational awareness, and space sustainability. This talk will analyze space security issues related to space management and orbital debris. It will also cover topics in space awareness, including behavior estimation, behavior characterization, and learning. Furthermore, the talk will discuss the Department of the Air Force's AI Accelerator, which has a focused project dedicated to space awareness and the development of AI techniques to address space security issues.