Join the MIT Industrial Liaison Program for "COVID-19 and Crisis Management / Business Resilience" with MIT Professional Education Senior Lecturer Dr. Steven Goldman. This one-hour informative and relevant webinar will discuss several important pandemic crisis management/business resilience issues that executives should understand and embrace – from both the proverbial big picture and the “feet on the ground” perspective. Dr. Goldman will also discuss the importance of leadership during a crisis and he will take a look at the eventual road to recovery.
Dr. Steven B. Goldman is an internationally recognized expert and consultant in Business Continuity, Crisis Management, Disaster Recovery, and Crisis Communications. He has over 30 years experience in the various aspects of these disciplines, including program management, plan development, training, exercises, and response strategies. His background is unique in that he has been a professional engineer, corporate spokesperson, business continuity planner, situation responder, consultant, and a Fortune 500 Company’s Global Business Continuity Program Manager.
Dr. Goldman has written or improved many corporations’ Crisis Management, Business Resilience, and Crisis Communications plans and procedures; he has trained all levels of response staff, from CEO’s on down. Steve has developed, conducted, and evaluated drills and exercises ranging from two-hour table-tops to massive three-day full-scale exercises involving hundreds of responders, multiple corporations, and all levels of government.
Dr. Goldman has published many articles and conducts several seminars annually on the various aspects of Crisis Management, Business Resilience, and Crisis Communications. His most recent industry accomplishment is the development, coordination, and conduct of the “Crisis Management & Business Continuity” and “Advanced Business Resiliency” Professional Education courses offered by MIT. Dr. Goldman lectures on Risk Communication for the Harvard School of Public Health’s “Management Skills for Emerging Leaders in Environmental Health and Safety.” He also lectures on crisis communications and conducts the class exercise for the Harvard School of Public Health’s “Radiological Emergency Planning: Terrorism, Security, and Communication.” He instructs two Scenario Development Workshops for the Disaster Recovery Journal Annual Conferences. Steve developed and conducted the first set of “Crisis Management Planning” Professional Development Courses for the Risk and Insurance Management Society (RIMS).
Dr. Goldman earned his Doctorate in Education (Ed. D.) from the University of Massachusetts. His doctoral dissertation undertook research on leadership and the status of crisis planning in several Massachusetts school systems. He obtained his Master's Degree in Nuclear Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Currently he provides expert hands-on consulting services to corporations, universities, non-profits, and government agencies.