Principal Investigator Harry Tuller
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High-energy radiation (e.g., gamma-rays) is detected by wide-band-gap semiconductors operating under ambient conditions. When the detector intercepts a gamma-ray, electron-hole pairs are formed, resulting in an increase in electrical conductivity. A high, dark conductivity is required to maximize detector response. Current semiconductor technologies require cooling to very low temperatures, which adds to cost and reduces portability. TlBr is an attractive detector material because its low dark conductivity at room temperature and its high mass density lead to higher radiation absorption.
In this project, we characterize the dominant ionic conduction properties in TlBr by impedance spectroscopy. TlBr is primarily a Schottky-type ionic conductor, meaning that Tl and Br move through the material by vacancy motion. By doping the material with both donors and acceptors and measuring the bulk conductivity over a wide range of temperatures, we have been able to develop a detailed defect model and, on this basis, a doping strategy to minimize the dark conductivity.