Principal Investigator John Brisson
Co-investigators Daniel Frey , Christopher Magee , Stefanie Mueller , Jared Laucks , Lawrence Sass , Sang-Gook Kim , Michael Fischer , Miho Mazereeuw , Karen Willcox , John Fernandez , Jesse DeLaughter , Richard de Neufville
Project Website
The MIT International Design Center (IDC) is a multi-disciplinary community of faculty, researchers, labs and students from across all 5 schools at MIT, with a sister center located at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD).
Together, faculty and researchers focus on understanding and enhancing the methods, tools, and outcomes of diverse design activities. IDC researchers also emphasize knowledge generation (science) and entrepreneurship (implementation). Results from IDC research include the invention of novel products, services, and systems for problems in the developing world, rapidly urbanizing regions, health and aging, the environment and energy.
The MIT IDC supports the exploration of design research across all 5 schools at MIT to forge unique collaborations with industry to innovate, excite and change the world.
Faculty, researchers, staff and students work across research labs on projects that include transformable materials, hacking healthcare, digital fabrication, self-assembly, energy generation, urbanization, risk reduction, electric vehicles, urban design for resilient cities, engineering design, innovation and technology development in complex systems, multiplexed diagnostics for fever viruses, rapid diagnostic fabrication, and more.