Principal Investigator Olivier de Weck
Co-investigators Reza Rahaman , Christopher (Blade) Kotelly , Diana Mei-Ning Chien , Kate J Moynihan , Joel Schindall , Michael Davies , Diane Soderholm , James Magarian , Elizabeth Huttner , Bruce Mendelsohn , Amy Shea-Slattery , Eliana M Runyon , David Nino , Eileen Milligan , Richard Kremsdorf , Sorin Marcovici
Project Website
The mission of the Bernard M. Gordon-MIT Engineering Leadership Program (GELP) is to educate and develop the character of outstanding MIT students as potential future leaders in the world of engineering practice and development; and transform engineering leadership in the nation, thereby significantly increasing its product development capability.
Bernard M. Gordon is considered "the father of high-speed, analog-to-digital conversion." He and his teams at Epsco Incorporated, Analogic Corporation, and NeuroLogica Corporation, have been responsible for dozens of engineering achievements, securing many hundreds of patents worldwide. For his profound contributions to his profession and society, Bernie received the National Medal of Technology from President Ronald Reagan in 1986 and was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 1991.
Launched through a $20 million gift (with a matching requirement) by the Gordon Foundation, the Bernard M. Gordon-MIT Engineering Leadership Program is committed to developing next-generation technical leaders who are equipped to understand and address significant engineering problems in real-world situations.
Prominent industry professionals tell us repeatedly that tomorrow's MIT engineering graduates better be engineering leaders: As skilled in the capabilities of an engineering leader as they are technically proficient.
To do so, the program:(*) Prepares all MIT engineering students to be more inclined to contribute to engineering innovation, invention and implementation efforts, and to be more effective contributors to such efforts.(*) Educates and prepares the potential future leaders of engineering innovation, invention and implementation efforts(*) Increases the focus of national engineering education on the development of leaders of engineering innovation, invention and implementation (EIII)
Designed primarily for MIT Juniors and Seniors, the program annually graduates a cohort of Gordon Engineering Leaders (GELs) who work at some of the nation's leading engineering industry companies.