Prof. Joel E Schindall

Bernard Gordon Professor of the Practice, Emeritus

Primary DLC

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

MIT Room: 35-433


Donna Gale

Areas of Interest and Expertise

Energy Storage Using Nanotube-Enhanced Ultracapacitors
Electrochemical Double Layer Capacitors (EDLC)
Nanotube-Enhanced Ultracapacitors
Engineering Leadership
Gordon-MIT Engineering Leadership Program (GELP)
Engineering Innovation and Design
Automotive Applications of Electronics<br>Reliability Enhancement of Complex System Architectures<br>Industry-Related Research and Product Development<br>Novel Time Domain Processing Methods
Satellite Communication Architectures

Research Summary

Professor Schindall investigates new approaches for electronic automotive power engineering, including improvements to ultracapacitor technology and support circuitry fro series-connected ultracapacitors to supplement traditional automotive batteries. He also studies novel products or new product design course, new architectures for satellite communication systems, holistic approaches to wireless data communications, and applications of time interval domain processing to electrocardiograms and encephalograms.

Recent Work