Entry Date:
February 25, 2005

Wellman Center for Photomedicine (MGH)

Principal Investigator R Anderson

Co-investigator Brett Bouma

The Wellman Center for Photomedicine, a multidisciplinary research laboratory founded in 1974, is based at Massachusetts General Hospital in the department of dermatology, Harvard Medical School. The Wellman Center is the largest medical research facility for photomedicine and is widely recognized as a leader in the field. Research activities span fundamental research, translational studies, development of novel therapeutics and diagnostics, all based on the interaction of light with biomolecules and tissue.

The Wellman Center for Photomedicine at Massachusetts General Hospital is the world’s largest academic
research facility dedicated to investigating the effects of light on human biology and to the development of
light-mediated, minimally invasive diagnostic and therapeutic technologies. A pioneer in light-based
biomedical research, the Center has been the source of many of the most successful transfers of this research
to clinical applications.

Wellman Center pursues its mission through the synergy of its faculty’s expertise in:

(*) Basic research: investigating how light interacts with molecules, cells, organisms, and people -- Research to understand the fundamental mechanisms and causes of biological processes is an integral part of the three-legged stool upon which Wellman’s research program has been established. Investigating processes at the cellular and sub-cellular levels expands our knowledge of the inter-connectivity within the entire human biological system. It is not necessarily the intent of basic research to lead to clinically applicable findings. It is usually difficult to predict results or where they may lead. But ultimately, few successful clinical applications are developed without first understanding the fundamental biological processes involved.

(*) Technology development: designing new therapeutic and diagnostic methods and tools for specific diseases -- Wellman’s central interest in light-mediated technology has translated into world-renowned programs in biomedical laser technology and applications, paradigm shifting optical imaging technology for diagnosis and treatment guidance, and development and application of light-activated drugs for precisely targeted, minimally invasive treatment of disease. The successful development and application of novel biomedical technologies requires input from a multi-disciplinary research team, a Wellman strength. Being situated in the midst of one of the world’s premier academic medical centers provides the clinical connections essential for testing prototype instruments and technology.

(*) Translational research: bringing basic research to the stage of practical, clinical applications -- Transforming scientific discovery into clinical solutions for real medical problems for real people is the third leg of the Wellman’s research mission. Traditionally, separation between research disciplines and the distinct worlds of research and clinical practice have been obstacles to translating scientific discovery to patient care. As one of the thematic centers at MGH, Wellman Center is charged with promoting and facilitating the translation of research to clinical practice.

Moving research from the bench to the bedside involves testing the efficacy of a scientific discovery using computer and/or animal models and gaining approval for its safety and efficacy in humans. This is an interative process of moving the research back and forth between the laboratory and clinical setting, as results in each setting informs the further refinement of the methods and techniques. And, it is a highly collaborative process. Success requires engaging not only scientists of different disciplines, but also experts in the regulatory process and business development, usually found within the private sector.

(*) Education: informing scientists, physicians, students, patients, and the public about photomedicine