Entry Date:
December 17, 2001

Vortical Flow Research Laboratory (VFRL)

Principal Investigator Dick Yue

Co-investigators Yuming Liu , Alexandra Techet

Project Website http://mit.edu/vfrl/www/

The Vortical Flow Research Lab (VFRL) is a research lab committed to the study of all manners of flows found in nature. This lab is a part of the Department of Ocean Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. Studies include large-eddy simulations, fish hydromechanics and wave-wave and wave-body interactions.

Research Areas include:

(1) Nonlinear mechanics of wave-wave and wave-body interactions
* Dynamics of steep and breaking waves
* Extreme loads and large motions of ships and offshore platforms
* Reconstruction, assimilation and prediction of nonlinear wavefield evolutions including effects of winds and currents
* Hydrodynamics of rogue waves
* Dynamics of wave-bottom interactions, resonant wave reflection/ refraction and wave localization
* Nonlinear ship waves and ambient ship-wave interactions
* Nonlinear forces and control of near-surface submarines
* Water-entry and impact dynamics
* Stability of standing waves

(2) Free-surface vortical and turbulent flows
* Mechanics of the coupled air-sea boundary layers
* Interaction of vortices with a free surface
* Structures and mechanisms of free surface turbulence
* Near-surface turbulent diffusion and transport of dissolved substances
* Viscous and turbulent flows around ship hulls
* Dynamics of spray, jets, and wave breaking
* Surfactant hydrodynamics; resonant interaction of dilatational (surfactant) and transverse waves
* DNS, LES and RANS modeling of steep breaking waves

(3) Unsteady propulsion and hydrodynamics of fish like swimming
* Vorticity control
* Fish propulsion
* Effect of moving boundaries on turbulent and separated flow
* Fluid mechanics of flapping foils

(4) Education in marine hydrodynamics
* Custom and dynamic delivery of web-based materials
* Web-based laboratory, simulations and teaching modules