Prof. Terry Orr-Weaver

Professor of Biology, Emeritus
Member, Whitehead Institute

Primary DLC

Department of Biology

MIT Room: WI-561B

Areas of Interest and Expertise

Molecular Biology
Cancer Biology
Cell Biology
Developmental Genetics
Developmental Biology
Control of Cell Growth and Division in the Fruit Fly (Drosophila melanogaster) and its Alteration During Development
Chromosome Segregation
Origins of Birth Defects and Cancer
Cell Cycle
DNA Replication
Cell Division
Biological Oceanography

Research Summary

The research goal is to determine how an organism develops from a single-cell fertilized embryo to a multi-cellular adult. We want to define how developmental cues interface with DNA replication and chromosome segregation to link cell division to development. Using Drosophila as a model, we are investigating several developmental periods and types of cell cycles: meiosis and the production of gametes, fertilization and rapid early embryonic divisions, the transition to zygotic control of cell divisions during embryogenesis, and changes in gene copy number accompanying differentiation. Drosophila permits an interdisciplinary approach using genomics, genetics, cell biology, and biochemistry to discover new regulatory genes controlling DNA replication and chromosome segregation during development. Because these genes are conserved, Drosophila is an excellent model for identifying regulators that ensure proper human development and prevent cancer.

Recent Work