Prof. Barry R Posen

Ford International Professor of Political Science

Primary DLC

Department of Political Science

MIT Room: E40-463

Areas of Interest and Expertise

International Politics
Comparative Grand Strategy and Military Doctrine
National and International Security
U.S. Military Power, Grand Strategy

Research Summary

Professor Posen’s principal research interest is US Grand Strategy and National Security Policy. He also focuses on US military strategy, force structure and capabilities, and force posture (the global distribution of U.S. military forces.) First, what is the grand strategy today, how did we get here, and how well is it working? Second, what major trends in the world might speak to the need for change? Specific trends under examination are changes in the global distribution of material power; the political mobilization of large numbers of young people, especially as it relates to identity politics; and the diffusion of military technology and techniques that permit the weak to better tilt with the strong. Third, what might a changed US grand strategy and its associated military strategy and force structure, which would be more responsive to emerging trends, look like?

Recent Work