Prof. Maria T Zuber

Presidential Advisor for Science and Technology Policy
Earle A Griswold Professor of Geophysics and Planetary Science


Paul Schierenbeck

Areas of Interest and Expertise

Theoretical Modeling of Geophysical Processes
Analysis of Altimetry, Gravity and Tectonics to Determine the Structure and Dynamics of the Earth and Solid Planets
Development and Implementation of Spacecraft Laser and Radio Tracking Experiments

Research Summary

Professor Maria Zuber is a pioneer in the mapping of planetary surfaces and interiors, work she has pursued through more than a dozen NASA research experiments to the Moon, Mars, Mercury and a number of asteroids. Zuber was named MIT’s Presidential Advisor for Science and Technology Policy.

The presidential advisor for science and technology policy (PASTP) serves as a key member of the president’s leadership team, advising on current trends and future opportunities in science, technology, and related policies, as well as national security in higher education. The PASTP partners with the senior team and other academic leaders to inform and educate external stakeholders and to seek and create opportunities for MIT’s exceptional and diverse community via external partnerships and collaborations that advance the Institute’s mission. The PASTP represents MIT’s viewpoints and priorities outside the Institute, provides strategic advice and insight to MIT entities and activities in the national security space, and advises on opportunities and risks.

Responsibilities of the PASTP include:
(*) Strategic advising to Lincoln Laboratory, Haystack Observatory, and campus labs, centers and initiatives in the defense or national security space
(*) Oversight of the MIT Washington Office
(*) Strategic development of federal/state/NGO research partnerships
(*) Participation in Senior Risk Group as a non-voting member

The presidential advisor for science and technology policy reports to the president and works with MIT’s senior leaders to advance the president’s priorities.

Recent Work