Prof. Duncan Simester

Nanyang Technological University Professor of Management Science

Primary DLC

MIT Sloan School of Management

MIT Room: E62-542

Areas of Interest and Expertise

Measuring Customer Behavior and Satisfaction
Optimizing Marketing Decisions
Pricing : Price Cues and Price Signals
Virtual Customer (VC) Initiative
Management Science (MS)

Research Summary

Duncan Simester investigates retail pricing and how customers form inferences about competitive prices from common marketing cues such as sale signs, price endings, installment billing offers, and credit card logos. Simester also investigates how operations research techniques can be used to optimize marketing decisions. His current work explores the long-term costs of stockouts, the long-term impact of promotion decisions, dynamic catalog mailing decisions, and adaptive techniques for the optimal design of pricing and product decisions. Other work investigates the allocation of ownership in channel relationships, and the adaptive design of market research instruments.

Recent Work