Prof. John H Lienhard

Abdul Latif Jameel World Water and Food Security Professor

Primary DLC

Abdul Latif Jameel Water and Food Systems Lab (J-WAFS)

MIT Room: 3-166


Christine Gervais

Areas of Interest and Expertise

Water Purification and Desalination
Energy Consumption and Heat Recovery
Heat Transfer
Measurement and Instrumentation
Compressible Flow

Research Summary

The activities of the Lienhard Group are in the broad area of heat and mass transfer, thermodynamics, and fluid dynamics. Focus is on technologies for desalination of seawater and brackish water, remediation of various waste waters, and recycling of water, with increased energy efficiency and reduced environmental impact as core objectives. This work includes thermodynamic cycle analysis, transport processes in components, solar-energy driven systems, and both thermal and membrane separations.

Past activities in our lab have included: convection and fluid dynamics in liquid jet impingement; high heat flux engineering; thermally stratified turbulent flow and instrumentation; electronics thermal management; and thermally driven instabilities.

Recent Work

  • Video


    April 8, 2021Conference Video Duration: 121:54

    Steven Leeb
    Professor of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
    Duane Boning
    Clarence J. LeBel Professor,
    Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT
    Alejandro Beivide García
    Chief Digital Officer, Acciona Infraestructures
    David Knezevic
    Co-founder & CTO, Akselos
    Jongyoon Han
    Professor of Electrical Engineering and Professor of Biological Engineering
    Rohit Karnik
    Professor & Associate Department Head for Education
    Department of Mechanical Engineering
    Robert Teich
    Senior Marketing Director, Analytics, Xylem
    Anurag Bajpayee
    Co-Founder and CEO, Gradiant

    John Lienhard
    Abdul Latif Jameel Professor of Water and Food
    Director, Abdul Latif Jameel World Water and Food Security Lab
    Director, Center for Clean Water and Clean Energy
    MIT Department of Mechanical Engineering