Prof. Christoph Reinhart

Professor of Building Technology

Primary DLC

Department of Architecture

MIT Room: 5-418B

Areas of Interest and Expertise

Sustainable Building Design
Environmental Modeling
Urban Modeling

Research Summary

Christoph Reinhart is a building scientist and architectural educator working in the field of sustainable building design and environmental modeling. At MIT he is leading the Sustainable Design Lab, an inter-disciplinary group with a grounding in architecture that develops design workflows, planning tools and metrics to evaluate the environmental performance of buildings and neighborhoods. Design tools originating from the group Ð such as DIVA, DAYSIM and umiD are used in practice and education in over 90 countries.

Recent Work

  • Video

    2024 MIT Sustainability Conference: MIT Climate Project - Mission Directors

    October 22, 2024Conference Video Duration: 46:23

    The Climate Project at MIT is a major new effort to change the trajectory of global climate outcomes for the better over the next decade. It will focus MIT’s strengths on six broad climate-related areas where progress is urgently needed. The mission directors in these fields, representing diverse areas of expertise, will collaborate with faculty and researchers across MIT and each other to accelerate solutions that address climate change.

    This session will feature MIT Climate Mission Directors sharing their perspectives and near-term plans for impact.


    February 24, 2021Conference Video Duration: 120:13
    Robert Stoner
    Deputy Director for Science and Technology, MIT Energy Initiative
    Founding Director, MIT Tata Center
    Christoph Reinhart
    Professor, School of Architecture + Planning
    Director, Building Technology Program
    Caitlin Mueller
    Associate Professor, Structural Design
    Director, Digital Structures Research Group
    Joint appointment with Civil and Environmental Engineering Department
    Leslie Norford
    Professor, Building Technology
    Associate Head, Department of Architecture
    Yang Shao-Horn
    Keck Professor of Energy, Mechanical Engineering