Prof. Bruno Coppi

Professor of Physics, Emeritus

Primary DLC

Department of Physics

MIT Room: 26-547

Areas of Interest and Expertise

Plasma Physics
Fusion Research
Space Physics (Plasma Astrophysics)
Condensed Matter: Alcator Experiments Thermonuclear Plasmas
Design and Study of Experiments to Attain Fusion Burn Conditions and Ignition in Fusing Plasmas
Applied Physics
Plasma Dynamics
Physics of Thermonuclear Plasmas
Plasma Astrophysics
High Energy Plasmas in Space and in the Laboratory (Fusion Research)

Research Summary

Professor Bruno Coppi has given basic contributions to the fields of plasma physics, nuclear fusion research, space physics and plasma astrophysics. He is the leader of the international undertaking, "Physics of High Energy Plasmas," based at MIT, and of the Ignitor Project in Europe. Professor Coppi has developed novel experimental programs on thermonuclear plasmas, both in the US and overseas, the results of which have led to the proposal and design, for the first time, of experiments capable of demonstrating ignition by nuclear fusion reactions.

Recent Work