Prof. David H Marks

Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Engineering Systems, Emeritus
MIT Coordinator, MIT Alliance for Global Sustainability
Co-Director MIT MASDAR (Abu Dhabi) Program
MIT Coordinator, MIT Cyprus Institute Program

Primary DLC

Institute for Data, Systems and Society

MIT Room: E19-341N

Areas of Interest and Expertise

Sustainable Development
Environmental Engineering
Water Resource Systems
Environmental Management
Industrial Ecology
Environmental Remediation
Infrastructure Renewal and Rehabilitation
Water Quality Management
Environmental Systems
River Basin Planning
Mathematical Optimization
Technology, Business, and Environment (TBE)
Ford Motor Company-MIT Alliance

Research Summary

Professor Marks’ research focuses on sustainable development, environmental engineering, industrial ecology, and water resource systems. Through his work as director of the Laboratory for Energy and the Environment, he tries to foster collaboration among industry, government, academia, nongovernmental organizations, and the public to address the complex interrelationships between energy and the environment, and the technological, economic, and social aspects of sustainable energy development and use.

Recent Work