Prof. Ole S Madsen

Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Emeritus

Primary DLC

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

MIT Room: 48-317


Vicki Murphy

Areas of Interest and Expertise

Coastal Engineering
Oceanographic Engineering
Turbulent Boundary Layer Flows
Sediment Transport in Coastal Waters
Environmental Fluid Transport Processes
Free Surface Flow
Applied Ocean Science and Engineering
Environmental Fluid Mechanics
Environmental Systems
Engineering and Environmental Mechanics
Earth Systems Initiative
Fluid Mechanics

Research Summary

Professor Madsen's research interests focus on physical processes in the coastal environment, including, but not limited to, transformation of waves up to breaking and beyond with emphasis on the development of simple, yet realistic, models for the turbulent wave bottom boundary, the interaction of waves and current, e.g. wave-induced long-shore currents in the surf zone, the interaction of coastal combined wave-current flows with bottom sediments and the resulting bottom boundary layer processes influencing sediment transport mechanics in the coastal environment.

Recent Work