Sertac Karaman - 2017 ICT Conference

Conference Video|Duration: 42:33
April 12, 2017
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    On the Future of Autonomous Vehicles: From fleets of self-driving cars to tiny consumer drones

    In the next five years, autonomous vehicle technology may finally blossom and enter our lives. The first applications of intelligent self-driving vehicles may embark on highways, campuses, and warehouses. Bottlecap-size consumer drones may roam around, filming the next big hit video on social media. What are some of the technical challenges and technological enablers? How will the new technology impact new products, markets, businesses, and ultimately our lives? Professor Sertac Karaman's research is enabling new ways of designing autonomous vehicles with the help of rigorous, mathematical thinking that leads to valuable insights.

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  • Video details

    On the Future of Autonomous Vehicles: From fleets of self-driving cars to tiny consumer drones

    In the next five years, autonomous vehicle technology may finally blossom and enter our lives. The first applications of intelligent self-driving vehicles may embark on highways, campuses, and warehouses. Bottlecap-size consumer drones may roam around, filming the next big hit video on social media. What are some of the technical challenges and technological enablers? How will the new technology impact new products, markets, businesses, and ultimately our lives? Professor Sertac Karaman's research is enabling new ways of designing autonomous vehicles with the help of rigorous, mathematical thinking that leads to valuable insights.

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