Klavs Jensen - 2019 Life Science Conference

Conference Video|Duration: 29:28
December 10, 2019
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  • Video details

    Machine Learning and Process Intensification in Pharmaceutical Development and Continuous Manufacturing

    Machine learning of chemical information is applied to computer aided chemical synthesis - the planning of reaction paths to a given molecular target from purchasable starting materials. The use of robotics with expert user input enable execution of identified reaction paths in an automated modular continuous flow platform. Advances in automated screening and optimization of chemical reactions accelerate translation of laboratory discoveries to manufacturing. Finally, process intensification is illustrated with on-demand synthesis pharmaceuticals in plug-and-play, manually reconfigurable, refrigerator-sized manufacturing platforms.
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  • Video details

    Machine Learning and Process Intensification in Pharmaceutical Development and Continuous Manufacturing

    Machine learning of chemical information is applied to computer aided chemical synthesis - the planning of reaction paths to a given molecular target from purchasable starting materials. The use of robotics with expert user input enable execution of identified reaction paths in an automated modular continuous flow platform. Advances in automated screening and optimization of chemical reactions accelerate translation of laboratory discoveries to manufacturing. Finally, process intensification is illustrated with on-demand synthesis pharmaceuticals in plug-and-play, manually reconfigurable, refrigerator-sized manufacturing platforms.
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