Ethan Zuckerman - 2019 Vienna Conference

Conference Video|Duration: 44:30
April 3, 2019
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    The End of Trust

    Mistrust in social and political institutions is at an all-time high, in the US and many advanced democracies. That mistrust is both changing how people make political change and participate in social movements, and changing our relationships with new technologies. As technology becomes a space for activism with movements like “Tech Won't Build It”, and debates about the social impact of technologies underlies our political conversations, how do we build a future responsibly?
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  • Video details

    The End of Trust

    Mistrust in social and political institutions is at an all-time high, in the US and many advanced democracies. That mistrust is both changing how people make political change and participate in social movements, and changing our relationships with new technologies. As technology becomes a space for activism with movements like “Tech Won't Build It”, and debates about the social impact of technologies underlies our political conversations, how do we build a future responsibly?
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